Couples for Christ is a work of Christ,
which rises up Christian couples and establishes families committed to the world for Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.


We are living in a time of rapid change; everything is hanging-social values relationships, economic systems, ideologies and many other things that affect life general. Caught in this tide of changes is the family. Some futurist predicts that the time is coming when the family shall be totally irrelevant and unnecessary. In a world that is dominated by technological change. In some parts of the world the family No longer operates like it used to, we see this as a matter of serious importance. In the modern, world man has learned to band together for mutual protection. There is certain artisan Guilds, trade unions, various business associations, all organization to protect an uphold common interests. But the preservation and strengthening of the family does not seem to been a matter of priority to many people. The family is left exposed and unprotected against the forces that tend to destroy it. No a spiritual revivals has touched the earth. Christian families are feeling the need to be truly Christian Families in a modern world. Families are reaching out. Crying out for help, but they have nowhere to go. The help they are seeking is not normally available in the average parish. Whatever traditional help is available in some parishes is usually in adequate. And in this time of growing darkness, many parents do not have a clear direction. They hear stranger voices leading them into strange paths We believe that god wants us to rise up in defense of His work. We believe that the family is a creation of God and no one else has any right to change it, it structures and it's purpose. We believes that Gods plan for all creation continues to operates, "namely, to bring all things in the heavens and on earth into one under Christ's headships" (Eph.1:10) Couples for Christ is a creation of god distinctly called to bring families back to the plan of God, Couples for Christ is called to bring the Lord's strength and light to chose who are struggling to be truly Christian families in the modern world. In submission to God's holy will, couples for Christ commits itself to his mission. Couples for Christ will serves wherever God brings it to serve, trusting only in His guidance and His power.


The following embodies the beliefs and ideals of the COUPLES FOR CHRIST (CFC) as a movement, from Which flow its Christian attitudes, values and behavior, as well as its programs, teaching and approaches to Christian renewal within the context of family relationships. We believe in marriage as an indissoluble institution as taught by our Lord Jesus Christ. (Mat.19:6), That God created marriage primarily for love between man and woman, and for the procreation and proper rearing of children. We believe that god created man and wife with equal personal worth and dignity. That God ordained order in the family and the woman as helpmate and support, which best expresses their complementarily. We believe that the family in practicing the gospel message shares in the life and mission of the Church through prayers, evangelization and services to men. We uphold and defend the rights of the family as proclaimed in the chapter on family right (Familiaris Consortio), And lastly, we believe that Christian family renewal can best be achieved by inviting Jesus to be the lord of our homes and by allowing the power of the holy Spirit to lead our family lives and through the full use of all charismatic gifts disposal.

The CFC logo has three elements: the concentric circles, the cross, and the dove, The CFC logo stands for who we are and what we are for:


These stand for 2 wedding rings, one on the top of the other. They depict Christian Marriage, where two have to become one. They stand for the unity between husband and wife, a unity manifesting itself in mutual love and service. The rings also point to our family life ministry. the family is to be focus as well as the foundation of our work.


he stands for the cross of Christ. The central position of the cross states that Christ is at the center of our lives and of our work. The cross is also an empty cross. It shows that Christ is risen. By His death and Resurrection, Christ conquered sin and death, and won for us our salvation. finally, the cross stands for the radical Christian life we are called to, It is a life where we are to take up the cross of Christ. (Mt. 16:24). We have already died with Christ, and the life we live no is not our own anymore, but a life lived for God (Gal.2:20)


The dove represents the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit Who are our guide, our counselor, and our advocate. He is the Spirit of the truth. He is the source of power and strength for the Christian life. The dove also indicate the charismatic dimension of our spirituality. We are to pursue our work of renewal with the full use of all charismatic gifts at our disposal (1 Cor. 12:4-11)


The circle also stand for the globe or the world. Christ is at the center. He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Our work is to participate in the fulfillment of God's plan: to bring all the things in the Heavens and on the earth into one under Christ's headship. (Eph. 1:10) Also depicted is the establishment of the CFC worldwide family, the one global community under the Lordship of Christ. The circles also suggest the ever-widening network of renewed families in Christ. The light and life of Christ Radiates outwards and touches the lives of more and more people. CFC is an evangelistic movement, intending to bring Christ to all people and to all places.